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Harrisburg medical marijuana dispensary holds one-day open house

HARRISBURG — Another marijuana dispensary is about to open its doors in Southern Illinois. Harrisburg Thrive held an open house Friday.

It follows Harbory in Marion, which opened in November. In about three weeks, Harrisburg Thrive will start seeing it’s first patients.

“We just want to be good neighbors to the community. We want them to understand that this is a medical marijuana program,” said owner Rosie Naumovski.

For the first and only time, Naumovski opened the doors for the pubic to take a look around.

“More and more state’s are waking up and catching onto how much it’s actually helping, not just adults, children. If it’s good enough for a three-month-old baby to cure their symptoms, it should be safe for an adult,” said MariMed Advisors Senior Vice President Timothy Shaw.

The facility will offer a variety of medical marijuana products from in-state licensed cultivation centers. Naumovski said 39 conditions qualify, including epilepsy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. Patients will have to apply for a card online.

“Or they can submit an application that they have to receive their medical cannabis card. Doctors do have to sign off on it and certify that they have the conditions,” said Naumovski.

With tight regulations and high tech security, patients can get what they need. Naumovski and Shaw say there is a stigma when it comes to the use of marijuana, but they hope the open house in Harrisburg will help people to ask questions.

“I think when it comes to this type of industry, it’s very new and there’s a lot of questions and we’re here to answer everybody’s questions,” said Naumovski.

Owners hope to open by Saint Patricks Day, March 17. Anna Thrive will follow after with an open house there.